Call: 01366 500241
Arranging a Funeral
"Each that we lose takes part of us;
A crescent still abides,
Which like the moon, some turbid night,
Is summoned by the tides."
R H Bond Funeral Directors conduct funerals, including arranging burial or cremation, giving a simple, direct and personal level of support for the bereaved.
Whatever style of funeral you require for your relative or friend, there are a number of things to consider; some of which are required by law and others which are a matter of personal preference. R H Bond Funeral Directors will guide you through the process, and manage every aspect of the funeral for you, from the traditional funeral to the more complex.
There are three things you must do
in the first few days after someone dies
1. Obtain a medical certificate - you need this to register the death.
2. Register the death within five days of the death.
3. Make funeral arrangements.
Obtaining a medical certificate
If the death occurs at Home - your doctor (or the doctor on call) will come to your home to certify the death. A Notification of Death form will be issued, usually from the surgery on the next working day.
On some occasions if the death was expected and a nurse is present, the doctor will give authority for the nurse to confirm the death.
When a death occurs at a Nursing or Residential Home - The deceased’s doctor’s surgery can be contacted to ask for availability of the death notification certificate,
which generally is available the next day.
When the death occurs within a hospital - you will need to contact the bereavement office of the hospital, they usually suggest after 10.00 am, on the following working day.
North Cambridgeshire Hospital, Wisbech -
Bereaved Relatives’ Support Office
Telephone: 01945 488074
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn -
Bereaved Relatives’ Support Office
Telephone: 01553 613878
​A support officer is available from
10.00 am to 3.00 pm Monday to Friday. There is a
24-hour answer machine if no one is available.
Please leave a message and they will return your call as quickly as possible.
Registering a death that has not been referred to the coroner
Deaths occurring in Norfolk
Please ring the County Central
Office on 0344 800 8020 to make an appointment to register a death in Norfolk.
You can also book online at:
Deaths occurring in Cambridgeshire
To make an appointment to register a death in Cambridgeshire,
please ring 0345 0451363.
You are able to register a death at any of the county’s registration offices.
A death must be registered by law.
The death can be registered by a relative, executor, a person present at the death, an administrator from the hospital or the person arranging the funeral.
You will be required to take the following documents with you:
• A medical notification of death from the doctor or hospital.
• Birth certificate, if available.
• Marriage or civil partnership certificates if available.
• NHS medical card, if available, or NHS number.
The information listed below would be useful to the registrar if you have it:
• Full name at time of death.
• Any previously used names such as a maiden name.
• Their last address.
• Date and place of birth.
• Date and place of death.
• Last occupation.
• The full name, date of birth and occupation of a surviving
or late spouse or civil partner.
• Whether they were receiving a State Pension or any other benefits.
Flowers or Donations
A decision will need to be made whether to request:
1. Flowers if anyone wishes to send them.
2. Family flowers and donations, which may be made at the service or sent c/o
R H Bond Funeral Directors, Salisbury House, Lynn Road, Stoke Ferry,
King’s Lynn PE33 9SW.
3. Flowers or donations, if you wish to give people their preferred option.