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R H Bond has a continuous knowledge of every avenue of officialdom relating to a death. If you have any questions or are confused about how to proceed or who can assist you, Debbie Stewart will be able to guide or assist you, or refer you to the relevant professional such as a solicitor or accountant.
Can we see our loved one before the funeral?
Seeing a loved one before they are laid to rest is an important part of the grieving process for many people. Please arrange an appointment to see your loved one in the Chapel of Rest.
Do we need a Doctors’ form?
For cremation, yes you do. Two doctors must attend and certify the death, the first being the doctor who attended the deceased during their last illness and the second doctor to confirm. We will arrange this on your behalf. Each doctor charges for this service, which will be included in the cost of the funeral. If the deceased died in hospital, before being able to transfer your loved one to our Chapel of Rest, we have to wait for the cremation forms to be completed.
Does the funeral service have to be religious?
No. We can arrange for a civil celebrant to deliver the service, celebrating the life of your loved one. It is also possible for family members to deliver a tribute or read a poem. In addition, services for all faiths can be arranged.
A 'green' funeral is another option. In addition a short service can be conducted by the graveside or at the interment of the ashes.
How do I know which sort of coffin is right for my loved one?
There are many choices of coffin available from hard wood and veneers (including brightly coloured coffins), to sea grass, willow and bamboo. If your loved one has not left a preference for the type of coffin they would like then you can choose from the options available.
Where should I have the flowers delivered?
All flowers should be delivered to R H Bond Funeral Home at least two hours prior to the funeral
Can family members carry the coffin?
Yes, we will provide guidance regards the safe method for carrying the coffin, and we will also have bearers to hand if family members find they are unable to carry on the day.
What if we would prefer charitable donations to floral tributes?
We are more than happy to receive charitable donations on your behalf and once all donations have been collected, we will disburse the funds according to your wishes
Can jewellery be buried with the deceased?
Yes it can but if you prefer we will remove any items of jewellery from your loved one and they can be collected from the funeral home prior to the funeral. In addition jewellery can be cremated with your loved one.
Can you assist with Orders of Service, hymns and flowers?
Yes we will be happy to assist you with anything you require for your service.
Do you have a limousine for the funeral party?
Yes, we can arrange limousines. Each limousine can comfortably carry six people.
Will the limousine return us home after the funeral?
Yes, we will return you to your home or to a venue of your choice within the local area.
Will the coffin go into the cremation chamber on its own?
Yes it will. Strict laws apply to cremation so you can be assured that the coffin will enter the cremation chamber exactly as you saw it in the crematorium chapel. Cremation chambers can only hold one coffin at a time and the operator will carefully check the coffin nameplate before it is placed in the chamber.
Will the cremated remains of our loved one be returned to us?
Yes you will receive your loved ones remains. The identity of the remains is evident throughout the cremation procedure with no room for error.
Can I look round the crematorium prior to the funeral?
Many people want to fully understand the cremation process before their loved ones service. Please feel free to contact the crematorium to arrange a visit at your convenience.